Union Parents: Back to school benediction / September 1, 2023

The first day of school has arrived!  In the midst of getting new school clothes and prepping lunches, have you processed what emotions a new school year brings up for you? Sadness that summer is over or relief that kids will soon be back in class?  Or maybe plain old fear or some combination of it all?

Renee Notkin shared this benediction with me this week from Sarah Bessey. Her words seemed like the perfect blessing to share with our community as we embark on another school year.

In my house, we have three learners, all at different schools and in different stages - preschool, elementary and middle school. It will be a full year.  Can you relate? My hopes for our school year at the Mead household is that we'll learn to overcome challenges with grace, be open to new opportunities, and develop deeper (and real) connections with ourselves, each other and our school communities. (If they learn something from a book, that's the cherry on top.)

As Sarah says, let us go forth with the grace of a learner's heart.  Blessings on you all this week and for this coming school year.


Beloved one, as you begin anew, may the light of curiosity and truth of love guide you on this journey back to school. May you find the courage and humility to be both student and teacher, knowing that we all hold wisdom to share.

May your hearts remain open to the stories woven into the pages of textbooks and the lives of your fellow travellers. Let the diversity of thought and experience expand your horizons and deepen your love for the world.

In the stress of deadlines and assignments, remember that your worth is not measured by grades alone. Embrace the process, the questions that lead to even more questions. May you experience moments of challenge and grace, laughter and learning as gifts.

As you gather with friends old and new, may you build connections that bring goodness to you and the community around you. Be gentle with yourselves, for learning is not just about acquiring facts but about allowing transformation and growth, too.

So, go forth with the grace of a learner's heart. May you approach each day with a spirit of wonder, ready to engage, explore, and evolve.

And as you venture into this new season of learning, may you always remember: you are enough and you are so very, very loved.


Now go get’em,