Union Parents: Jolted awake in the night | June 7, 2024

Parenting is no joke and it humbles me daily. Parenting sends me to prayer more often than just about anything else I've ever experienced.

For the last six months or so, I've used an app called Lectio 365 to help me pray consistently, especially at night.  

Last week, as I was getting ready for bed, I was quietly praying for something that was really concerning me and I was trying to leave it in God's hands.  I went to bed, uncertain of how God could possibly answer. Per my habit, I clicked on the app to start the devotional and promptly fell asleep immediately.  Didn't hear a word of it.  I was out, exhausted.  When suddenly, I was jolted awake the moment this verse was read:

‘I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you.  I will sustain you and I will rescue you.’   Isaiah 46:4 (NIV) 

I could see no other explanation than those words were for me. I could not believe it - would God answer me so directly?  Would the God of the Universe speak to my uncertainly in an audible voice (with an English accent in this case)?  In my soul, I knew He had awakened me to get across His message. 

This type of things doesn't happen often, but maybe it could.  Could I hear more answers when I need them if I was praying and listening consistently?

I was watching a YouTube video by Tyler Staton, a pastor in Portland who leads the 24-7 USA prayer movement. He is also the author of Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer. He is advocating that churches consider an ancient prayer rhythm - morning, noon and night.  What changes could we see in our families, church, schools, and community if we tried this rhythm?  I'd love to find out.

The 24-7 prayer movement as created an app called the Inner Room to make this rhythm as accessible as possible. (You can download it for free from the App Store.). It provides prompts and categories to guide prayers.  I choose three prayer foci - my children, Union Church and myself - and the app gives three (or more) minutes to pray for each. You can choose the ones that fit with your prayer needs and there are lots of tech-y features that Seattle people will likely appreciate.

I would love to hear if this prayer app is appealing to you or if you try it. Union is built on rhythms and I hope this could seamlessly enhance those rhythms.   

As a young teenager, Tyler Staton prayed for his middle school all summer and nearly one-third of the student body found the Lord the following school year. In the month of June, Union Kids are exploring prayer and the different types of prayer. For those kids with access to a device, this app could be a good opportunity to try praying for themselves.  And we could collectively see what God does.  

So be it.

1 Samuel 3:10 (NIV)
The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”  Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”