Camping was not something that I grew up doing. I am a total greenhorn when it comes to this outdoor activity that most of the Pacific Northwest populations does on a regular basis. In fact, one of my earliest camping experiences was in my 20s as a sponsor for The Edge at UPC - taking high school kids rock climbing near Leavenworth. (By the way, it poured rain, as it does in the mountains.)
So, what's the purpose of bringing up camping? Well, first I think it's generally expected that outside of the occasional backyard campsite, camping requires that you find a place away from your normal environs. Cell phone coverage could be spotty and Trader Joe's might be miles away. You make a little home in the forest away from home, as best you can.
But secondly, even the best and most well-trained campers are not immune to trouble or unexpected happenings. Not even Bear Grylis is completely devoid of trouble or unexpected challenge.
In Psalm 34, the chapter we are discovering this summer with Union Kids, David talks about God encamping around us. In verse 7, I hear an unspoken assumption that we too are "camping" through life - doing our best to live in unsettled conditions that might test us at best or require a rescue operation at worst. We are people on the move. So, when I read that the Angel of the Lord is setting up camp around me, that is about the best scenario I could ask for. God has chosen to set up residence with those who decide that he is the very best security system. The very best tactic for moving from survival to a life that radiates joy.
Maybe you've been feeling vulnerable these days. Maybe you have big grief that has also moved in with to stay for an undisclosed amount of time. Maybe summertime brings different anxieties that you don't feel prepared to handle. Or maybe you are wondering if God will be do something - even in the nick of time - to step in and provide what you need as a parent or simply as a human on this life journey. Those fears, among others, could be creeping in and making you nervous, just like those uncertain night sounds in the forest.
Then, I read:
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them." v. 7
He has my back as I look forward to him.
The key to me seems to be this modus operandi: Consider God in every situation. As we as parents consider God - what the Holy Spirit is doing - the deliverance system is in motion and he goes to work. It reminds me of another favorite verse from Romans: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." v. 8
Where do you see God's security system kicking in? Where do you see that he is surrounding you in the wilderness of daily life and providing the way to an answer and a God-radiant life? Where is he answering and creating good from not-so-good situations?
If you set out for a PNW campground this summer, being in that outdoorsy setting may it be a tangible and very present reminder that you are surrounded by a God that loves, protects, delivers, and knows us. We never camp alone.
Psalm 34:7 (Everyday Psalms)
"Great guardian of God's people,
The angel of the Lord,
Moves in.
He takes up residence in the very homes
Of those who consider God
In every situation -
The best security system ever!"