Union Parents: In the company of others / September 29, 2023

While at Fourth Sunday last week, I had the opportunity to speak to some Union parents as projects were happening around the building.  Between apple-pressing, sandwich-making and note card-writing, I got some face time to ask, "What's on your mind?"

I heard parents say things like, 

"I need support!"
"Discipline? Help. "
"How do we make our family thrive?"
"School choices are weighing on me."
"Transition to kindergarten is coming."
"Teaching faith to children - what do I do?"
"Knowing how to de-escalate tantrums would be helpful."

Do any of those resonate with you?

As Union journeys through the next few years and face a transition from our building, one aspect we want to cultivate is Accompaniment. We come alongside one another as parents on a faith journey.  We are in each other's company and we are the Church. 

To accompany one another, I'm putting together some ways that parents can connect with other parents, as well as gain some tools and resources.  Most of these options will be available from January through March.  More to come, so stay tuned.

But in the meantime, I don't want to wait for parents to have the opportunity to accompany one another and connect.  So, if you'd like to participate in a parents small group as part of our fall Sabbath four-week study, I will be hosting a group on Zoom.  (And I will do an in-person group, too, if there are requests for such a thing.)

Do you want to see how the Sabbath and parenting might co-exist?  Would you like to meet with other parents as we accompany one another in faith?  Just need some adult conversation time??  Sign up on Climb On under Fall Small Groups - and put Parent Small Group in the comment box at the bottom of the form before you hit Submit.  Or simply reply to this email which goes directly to me.

Let's be in the company of others.  I am excited to see how God will orchestrate this accompaniment and Sabbath journey as parents and people of faith. 

p.s.  Kathy Foster brought some excellent parenting books last week that I will make available this Sunday for you to see.  If you are looking for resources, these might be just the thing.