Sermon Series

Disrupted for Good: Outrageous Hope

10/2Luke 1:1-4  That All May Know

10/9 Luke 1:5-25 You’re Prayers Have Been Heard

10/16: Luke 1:26-45 Let It Be with Me

10/23: Luke 1:46-56; 67-79  Songs of Hope

10/30: Luke 2:1-21  To Ponder & Praise

11/6: Luke 2:22-54  Salvation for All People

11/13: Luke 3:1-21  A State of Expectation

11/20: Luke 3:21-38 Beloved

Jesus entered into a tumultuous time. God had seemed silent for too long, rebellions had come and gone and the dominating empire created a culture of fear and isolation.  Where was the hope?

In our own time of uncertainty and instability, we ask a similar question. Where is the hope?  In this polarizing time where fear, despair and rage seem to be our only common ground, we need the disruptive healing presence of the One that binds the brokenhearted and sets the captive free.

This fall we will spend time with people to whom God first revealed his outrageous hope; people to whom God said, “Your prayer has been heard.” What begins with a few people will expand to a message of outrageous hope that is for all of humanity!
Outrageous is not a tame word; neither is Jesus.

Summer Sermon Series: What Are We Doing Here?

The church is God’s positive agent of transformation, but so often people view the church as negative, limited and judgmental; defined by what we are against.  

Walter Brueggeman writes this about followers of Jesus: “We are an odd people who specialize in cold water and shared bread, in welcome speech, hospitality, sharing, giving, compassion, caring, in small ways, setting the world fresh.”

Jesus invites us to ask, what is the church for?  After all, Jesus came for the world God so loved.   During the remainder of the summer we will explore stories from the lives of people who lived in the days of the early church and asked the same questions we have explored this summer:

What are we doing here?  What does the Spirit invite us to be for so that all people might experience a more expansive life?