First Thing | From Union Pastoral Staff

This week brought a tidal wave of national news, in addition to everything else happening in our world. At our Union staff meeting, we observed how easily we can become beholden to our news feed and discussed ideas for a more centered and intentional approach to how and when we consume media and interact with our smart phones. How do we remember that Jesus is Lord? One way is through the shape of our day. What are those "first things" that root and establish you in the love of God for the day ahead? Below are some practices from the staff. What are yours?

First thing in the morning, I sense my impulse to get up, make coffee, read the news, and rush into whatever the day holds. CS Lewis has given me a transformative approach to each day: My ‘first job each morning consists simply in shoving back (all the wild animal voices)  listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in.’*  I pause in bed, take deep breaths, and focus on my gratitude to my Creator who never slumbers or sleeps. Then I begin the day in company with Jesus. (*from Mere Christianity) ~Renee Notkin

First thing in the morning before I am disoriented by the news, overnight texts and my list of items to accomplish, I read a verse on my Bible app and mull it over to grasp more fully what it says and what it means for me this day. Then, if I walk our dog, I listen to Pray As You Go; if not, I head to my desk to read scripture, a few pages of ‘friends’ who have journeyed with Jesus before us and then pray, often with a pen.” ~James B Notkin

First thing in the morning, I lift my window blinds and then crawl back into bed with my phone opened to Pray As You Go. In that space between my night's slumber and waking I listen to the songs, scripture and consider how God is meeting me in the moment, this day. Then I grab a coffee and write my Morning Pages, usually, (Artist Way folk, I see you) which further helps me get my bearings on the content of my heart and mind, and the presence of Jesus in this world.” ~Renee Sundberg

“First thing in the morning after I wake up, I take a moment to read a meditation from Howard Thurman's Meditation's of the Heart and meditate on the reading of the day and the invitation for today. From there I get bundled up, put my headphones on and go for my morning walk. It's a moment to pray with my feet (no pun intended) and take in the beautiful world around me, the crows, the school, my neighbors, the dogs and the dog poop that missed the grass and landed on the sidewalk. I ground myself in the reminder that God holds all of us and is at work doing a new thing.” ~Phil Lewis

First thing in the morning, I just want to hear scripture, plain and simple. I use the Lectio 365 app which also has prompts for prayer in the morning, lunchtime and evening. Although I love the words of Jesus, I've been very drawn to the Psalms and Isaiah these days and my hope is to stand on those promises as I move throughout the day. When I forget to do that, my anxiety rises quickly.  But staying close to the promises and asking the Holy Spirit to guide and help me are what keep me rooted in hope and trust.” ~Sharon Mead