I will not forget you
Our God is with us
John 11:17-44
Jesus wept.
Silent tears down Jesus’ face at the tomb of his dear friend, Lazarus.
Tears of grief that death is real.
Tears of sorrow for the suffering of the people he came to save.
Tears of recognition for the path he would soon take.
Jesus wept.
Jesus, who knew he had the power to raise Lazarus from the tomb and knows that death is not the final word, paused in grief with two sisters and friends to hold space for their sorrow. Their deep, deep sorrow, “if only you’d been here, this wouldn’t have happened.” He holds their sorrow, that is our sorrow of wanting to unwind the tape and have a different story ending.
This Sunday, that we call Palm Sunday, begins our week of journeying with Jesus through death to new life.
And, we travel with Christ Jesus who weeps over heartache, sorrow, illness, violence, death.
We travel with Jesus who wept over Jerusalem as he prepared to give his life for the heartache he had witnessed in his earthly life. (Luke 19:41-42)
41 As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, 42 saying, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.
We travel with Jesus who keeps his eyes on the purpose to give His life for the sake of the world. (John 12:27-33)
Jesus weeps with us.
As you weep each day over the brokenness in our world, take time to sit with Jesus who weeps with you.
You may want to find a quiet space or take a walk.
Take time to talk with God about what breaks your heart this week.
Allow Jesus to be with you in those places of heartache
Take time to talk with Jesus, who is our God Incarnate. God Emmanuel. God with us.
Jesus weeps with us.
….over heartache, violence, sorrow, inequity in our world
…over heartache, violence, sorrow, inequity in our country
…over heartache, violence, sorrow, inequity in our city
….over heartache, sorrow, brokenness, grief in n our relationships
….over heartache, sorrow, grief, loneliness, disappointment in our personal lives
What do you discover as you weep with Jesus?
Colossians 1 affirms that Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God.
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 for in[h]him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him.
Spend time giving thanks to our God who does not forget us.
Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth;
break forth, O mountains, into singing!For the Lord has comforted his people,
and will have compassion on his suffering ones.But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
my Lord has forgotten me.”Can a woman forget her nursing child,
or show no compassion for the child of her womb?Even these may forget,
yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.your walls are continually before me.17 Your builders outdo your destroyers,
and those who laid you waste go away from you.
Prayer from the Book of Common Worship
Everlasting God,
In your tender love for the human race
You sent your Son to take our nature,
And to suffer death upon the cross.
In your mercy enable us to share in Jesus
Obedience to your will
And in the glorious victory of his resurrection.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.
During Holy Week (April 11-16) we will post a Scripture reading and prayer. We encourage you to join in Union Prayer Together at 3 pm each.
Prayers for your journey with Jesus.