Lent Signpost. Week 3

Road Closed to Shame | Invitation to the Road of Life

“If you put shame in a petri dish, it needs three ingredients to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence, and judgment. If you put the same amount of shame in the petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can’t survive.”

“Shame is that warm feeling that washes over us, making us feel small, flawed, and never good enough.” Brené Brown

This week we invite you into a modified practice of Imaginative Prayer.

Imaginative prayer is a way of meeting with God by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ, to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in discovery of who God is and who we are. Here is more information on this practice.

Read our two passages shared on Sunday.

 Luke 5:17-26

What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch as you read these words?

Now, imagine that you are with the man who has heard these words from Jesus:

“My friend, your sins are forgiven.”

And then, “stand up and take your bed and go to your home.” 

Take time and imagine that you are walking (maybe, skipping or dancing?) with this man. What do you experience with him?  How do you sense Jesus is looking at him (and you with him)?

Imagine that you look back and see a sign that says, “road closed” and Jesus is standing in front of it.  You know that Jesus covers his shame. 

Allow yourself to close the door on the past that Jesus has covered for him (for you).

Take a moment more to sit with this story and the new life this man is experiencing.

What is an invitation you receive from Jesus?

 John 7:53 – 8-11

What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch as you read these words?

Now, imagine that you are with the woman who has heard and received these words from Jesus:

“Where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“Then neither do I condemn you,” “Go now and sin no more.”

Take time and imagine that you are standing with this woman.  

How do you see her hold her head?  What is your posture as you stand with her? How does she look at Jesus and then begin her walk away from this place that is no longer her place of condemnation?  What do you experience with her?  How do you sense Jesus is looking at her (and you with her)? 

Imagine that you look back and see a sign that says, “road closed” and Jesus is standing in front of it.  You know that Jesus covers her shame.
Allow yourself to close the door on the past that Jesus has covered for her (for you).

Take a moment more to sit with this story and the new life this woman is experiencing.

What is an invitation you receive from Jesus?


As you sit with the invitations you’ve received.  Here these words from Jesus in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

Imagine again that there is a sign behind you that says ROAD CLOSED.

And, imagine, Jesus saying to you,

“Friend, I entered this world to free you from the road of shame.

Journey with me this week down the road of new life. I am your guide. Trust in me.”

Christ Jesus is freeing you from the Road of Shame.

Take a moment now.

Where do you need to hear Jesus’ words?

“Your sins are forgiven

Now, take up your mat and walk into new life.”

To hear…

Neither do I condemn you.  Live a life of freedom. Not bound by sin. Free to ask forgiveness”.

The road to shame is closed. The invitation to new life is real and for you!