Monday Post for February 15

For Jesus is Our Peace: Walking in Lent Together

The season of Lent, the forty days of preparation for the celebration of Easter, is a gift of time in a world that pulls upon our attention in myriad ways. Lent begins this Wednesday, (the day the faith community calls Ash Wednesday).

 Here is a question to help shape this season: Where have I gotten away from God, and what are the disciplines that will enable me to find my way back to the One who is already turned toward me?


Lent 2021 Focus

For Jesus is Our Peace: Walking in Lent Together

During Lent the focus of our communal worship on Sundays will be:
For Jesus is Our Peace
and we will explore the intimacy and expanse of the cross. We invite you to spend time meditating on, marinating in, and even possibly memorizing Ephesians 2.
We are highlighting the devotional The Way of Shalom prepared by Presbyterians Today. and will provide daily readings for you beginning Wednesday.

  For Jesus is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. Ephesians 2:14

The season of Lent, the forty days of preparation for the celebration of Easter, is a gift of TIME in a world that pulls upon our attention in myriad ways. Lent begins this Wednesday, (the day the faith community calls Ash Wednesday). Throughout history followers of Christ have discovered all kinds of way to enter further into the new reality created by Jesus’ death and resurrection such as solitude, prayer, fasting, pilgrimages, singing and many more.

However you spend these next 40 days of Lent (46 counting Sundays), we pray you will take time to walk with open eyes and at a pace of life that gives you space to be with GOD.

Here is a question to help shape this season:

Where have I turned away from God, and what are the disciplines (the letting go and taking on; the changing of focus and priorities) that will enable me to turn to the One who is already turned toward me?