WORSHIP IN THE PARK. Sunday | 10/24 | Jefferson Park

Union Family Oktoberfest on October 24 | 10 am | Jefferson Park

We hope that you are all staying healthy and well. As the days get shorter and colder, this is the perfect time to gather and connect! We invite you to Union’s Oktoberfest with a fish & loaves story, an opportunity to assemble “stop-light kits,” and connect over a warm sandwich. There will be a panini truck! Lunch is on us!:)

Here are the details:

When: Sunday, October 24th, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (We will start gathering around 10 am. Please see below if you or your kids would like to help with preparations)

Where: Jefferson Park (4101 Beacon Ave. S. in Seattle) We will meet at Shelter 3 near the giant red sculpture on the north part of the park. Click here for the exact location.
Parking: There is parking on the East side of the park, accessed from Beacon Ave.

What: Introductions, Story, Assembling of “Stop-light kits” (to hand out at stoplights or other places), Playing & Connecting, Food Truck
Who: Those with kids & those who want to connect with kids and families

What to Bring:

  • Warm clothes & rain gear (let’s pray for dry weather)

  • Readiness to learn & have fun, even in the cold!

If you would like to contribute to the kits, please bring any amount from the below list. If you think of other things to include, feel free to bring those too.

  • Granola bars

  • Other snacks (nuts, apples?)

  • Bottled water

  • Wet wipes

  • Kleenex packets

  • Toothbrushes/Toothpaste

  • Gloves / Beanies

  • Instant Handwarmers

  • Socks (#1 asked-for item)

  • Bandages

*If possible, bring multiple or bulk of an item or two.
**If your young person would like to help out by getting the items ready for assembly or taking food truck orders, please come at 10 am. We would love their help!
Menu: Here is the menu at the Panini Truck.
Lunch is paid for already, but if you would like to contribute to the food truck fund, you can go to: http://www.unionchurchseattle.org/giveand select “Children’s Activities.”

We look forward to seeing you there! 
Meeting Spot: Questions? You can contact: 
Sharon Mead- (206) 931-2392
Karen Shively-Sanders: (206)718-9044
Sayuko Setvik - (206) 790-3023