This is our first *official* eco-faith action invitation to our community. We will be posting other ideas from our community weekly on this page.
You can use the root end (white part) of your scallions to grow some more! After using the green stalks, simply place root ends in a jar of water and refresh the water every day. Keep the water level about halfway up the scallion roots — they will drown if submerged.
Though this practice has found popularity during quarantine, my Japanese side of the family (Adrienne speaking), along with other communities, have been saving and reusing veggie scraps like this for generations. This is a great project to do with kiddos (and adults!). Use something normally discarded to generate new life, save money, grow local, and never buy scallions again!
Growing Deeper
We invite you to consider some of the “food waste, labor, & scarcity” implications of this simple act as discussed in this Eater article: