
We’ve loved hearing about the creative practices and thoughtful reflections from you all during Lent/Easter 2020 — an unprecedented time indeed.

This is R.I.S.E.N – an Easter season reflection and invitation from David Owens.  


I reflected on the admonition to PAUSE / PRAY / PRACTICE amidst God’s unprecedented act of redemption and reconciliation. In response, I began to doodle with an acronym based on R.I.S.E.N. which I shared with the after-service fellowship group: 

  • Redeemed by my Creator and reclaimed as God’s beloved 

  • Inspired to remember God’s sacrifice and my worth in His sight 

  • Sent out as a disciple and apostle of God to share his Good News 

  • Encouraged that God is sovereign, not my circumstances 

  • Neighbor, now to be pragmatic, available and faithful where and with whom God has placed me 

That last word – NEIGHBOR – surprised me as it jumped to mind.  This “N” seemed “out of context” with the “R / I / S / E”.   “Neighbor” is a pragmatic, specific, bounded definition/role that’s far simpler and humbler than what God has done through SACRIFICE and LOVE. Yet, being a Neighbor is a day-after-day calling and role that’s akin to being faithful and available.  It’s aligned with that Mother Teresa response to whether her humble ministry in the face of extreme and pervasive poverty was a “success”. Her reply that God had not called her to be successful, but rather to be faithful encourages me to be a faithful neighbor and fellow pilgrim. 

What’s your R.I.S.E.N. acronym?      

How will each of us live AFTER Easter?   

How will our lives be changes and focused going forward in the midst of, yet despite the current pandemic?