October Pastoral Word

Dear Beloved Family,

When James B read me this translation of Psalm 46:10,

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything” (The Message)

I felt stopped in my tracks! Yes, I’ve stepped out of traffic, for the most part, but do I take a long, loving look at our Creator, High God, and trust that God is with us in the everything we are facing?  Because EVERYTHING is in upheaval. This has been quite another week!

This passage does not give permission to disengage from the politics of our city and nation. We are to be citizens who take seriously our right to vote, to actively participate in our civil life and to be people who pray for justice and equity, seeking a post-colonized world.  It is a reminder to keep our focus on the One who breathed all into being and who holds all things together and who is with us from beginning to end.  The One whom we know through Jesus Christ, who looks upon us with compassion and love.

It is tempting to retreat and to question if any of our actions and decisions matter. In Eliana Maxim’s recent message on Matt 13, Jesus, the Storyteller,  she invited us to seek the spiritual truth in one another stories, often stories that are different than our own, that we might “find our place in God’s wild and remarkable story of life.” 

In the current struggles and heartaches and questions you are facing, may these weekly newsletters encourage you, dear family, that you are not insignificant, and you are not alone. Here you find stories of hope (such as a student being tutored in math) that invite us to listen, pray and ask, “how do these stories connect with my story of life?” As you read, trust that your story in this sacredly created world matters and is essential as part of a bigger story (this might be redundant and can be taken out)

Our scripture this Sunday is Matt 13:53-14:21, focusing on The Grieving Jesus Who Feeds Us. Please read the passage in preparation along with this song recently recorded by the worship band, The Road, the Rocks and the Weeds (near the bottom of page).

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In the hope of Jesus Christ,

Renée and James B