Thanksgiving Day Gratitude & Liturgies

Dear Union Family,                                  11/25/20

Every time we think of you and the privilege to BE God’s people together, our hearts are full even as we grieve not being physically together and the challenges facing us.

 As we all spend Thanksgiving Day in this unusual way of being alone or in very small gatherings while in solidarity of Spirit in our commitment to protect the well-being of others, James B and I are taking time on Thursday to pray in GRATITUDE and HOPE for YOU, our beloved Union family.  Please let us know how we can specifically lift you up in prayer to our Lord God who cares about our daily needs. You may respond to this email.

Here are some prayers and liturgies of Thanksgiving that we find expand our prayer time and our hearts.

Prayers for Thanksgiving
(you may enjoy reading these out loud)

From George Herbert, 1593-1633

Thou that hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more–a grateful heart:
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose Pulse may be
Thy Praise.


Kaitlin Curtice, helps articulate an honest prayer of the soul, as she writes:

Sometimes we don’t know what to pray,
or how to talk to you about fixing what’s broken.
We pray in generalities, that you’ll
“be with us, guide us, restore us”
but sometimes, that’s not the tangible need
we really want to name.    Read rest here.

Christine Sine provides a plethora of prayers and resources through her rich website.

Or, listen to Pray-as-You-Go while you walk or cook or sit.

In deep gratitude,
James B & Renee