During the spring and summer months of 2019 we asked the question how do we move into Living into Wholeness? The creation of God is rich, colorful and multi-faceted. How do we help one another live into God’s intention for humanity – to live as an integrated community that honors each living being as “uniquely and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139)?
Here are some discoveries for the journey of life as we respond to God’s Spirit. Living into wholeness involves:
Venturing out into the unknown with God--not striving for sameness and control.
A family embrace of all nations and tongues--to do anything less is to miss out
Living by God’s wisdom not our own
Practicing the three interrelated commitments Jesus gives: Love one another, Remain in Me, Go into the world (Externally Focused…)
Trusting the Holy Spirit is speaking (and you do not have to be super human or spiritual to hear the Spirit)