Prayers of the People 5.6.18

David prayed: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.” Ps. 139-23, 24

Lord, we pray, search us, and know our hearts. Try us and know our anxious thoughts --all the places where we have questions, fears, doubts, and lack of understanding. Lord, see if there are any hurtful ways in us, ways that are hurtful to you, to ourselves, to those around us and to your world.

Lead us in the path of everlasting life. Help us to follow in your footsteps, to be humble and patient, to see and love a person fully and wholly, and to seek You always. Help us to access your wisdom and truth in our lives. Use us as your instruments, your hands and feet to bring your good will to fruition. 

We pray for places in the world where war, violence, poverty, epidemics, both human-made and natural disasters have torn families apart and destroyed lives. We pray for hearts to change where conflict seems to have been a way of life for a long time, such as in Palestine & Israel. We pray for people fleeing violence in South & Central America. Lord, bring healing and restoration to all these peoples.

We pray for government leaders all over the world. Give them wisdom, integrity, and commitment to justice. May they be agents of goodness and change. 

We thank you for the newly restored relationship between North and South Korea. We pray for these countries and others around the world to be kept accountable to their promises. Lord, bring your true peace to these places. 

We pray for those among us who are suffering from health issues, those who are going through difficulties finding work or at work, those who are hurting from loss or strained relationships, those who are experiencing financial hardships and more. You know each person by name and every detail of what they’re going through. Lord, please step in and make your presence known to us. Please use us as your hands and feet in the lives of people around us. Help us to be attuned to these needs and to how you want us to step in.

Gracious God, we ask that you open our eyes to see how you’re moving in our lives and in our world. Thank you for including us in your Kingdom work of healing, justice and peace. Help us to trust in your equipping us and using us in community. We give You thanks for sending us your Holy Spirit, your Son Jesus Christ, and in your Triune Name we pray all these things. Amen.

Sayuko Setvik , Sunday morning worship