Why worship in action matters

Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and earth were created, things visible and invisible...and in him all things hold together."  Colossians 1:15

At the heart of God is imagination! Who could have imagined that the image of the invisible God would be Jesus of Nazareth who walked this earth proclaiming good news to the poor and hope to the afflicted and purpose to all people who, he reminded, are image-bearers of the God of Creation.

Walter Brueggeman writes: "'Imagination' may be understood as the God-given, emancipated capacity to picture (or image) reality -- God, world, self -- in alternative ways outside conventional, commonly accepted givens. Imagination is attentiveness to what is 'otherwise,' other than our taken-for-granted world."   Testimony to Otherwise:  The Witness of Elijah and Elisha

Our fourth Sundays, worship in action, are an invitation to live and worship with imagination and hope. We invite you to step into our Fourth Sundays with imagination and attentiveness to what is "otherwise" in our world.   Let us pray together that we will have eyes to see God at work and be bold to participate in our world, affirming that Jesus Christ holds all thing together.  And, share with us what you are discovering about our imaginative, creative, restorative God!