Jesus invites us to live outwardly focused, “As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18).
Fourth Sundays, Worship in Action, provide a way for us to spend time with neighbors in South Lake Union and beyond. We are always dreaming of more ways of connection and if you have ideas, please share them with us:
Note meet at 415 Westlake Ave N at 10 a.m. unless time or location specified.
Refugee Resettlement Support
9448 25th Ave. SW Seattle WA, 98106
9 to 11 a.m. Help care for a home in West Seattle that is used as transitional housing for refugees. A small group of adults is needed for weeding/weed whacking, raking, mowing the grass, picking up any trash, and trimming. Supplies provided.
Children are welcome to come with supervision.
Prayer Walk for Lowell Elementary School
1058 E Mercer St, Seattle, WA 98102
Union Church has committed to come alongside our local elementary school through support to students and teachers. Already we have painted, weeded and provided backpacks. Join us this Sunday for a “Pray with your eyes wide open” walk around the school. Meet at 10:15 a.m. at the entrance, 11th and Mercer. Children are welcome. There also is childcare at 415 Westlake. Contact:
A Fresh Coat of Paint for 415 Westlake
Outside 415 Westlake
Join James B to brighten up 415 Westlake by painting the outside. Meet at 10 a.m. in your paint clothes. Contact:
Breakfast at Mary’s Place Guest Rooms
2213 8th Ave, 98121 Prepare and/or serve breakfast for the families living in the newest family shelter in SLU. If you can join us, please arrive between 8:45 and 9:00 a.m for set-up and serving. Children welcome. We also need a few more hands to help cook at 7 a.m. at 415 Westlake. Contact:
Hymn Sing at Skyline Retirement
725 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
This focus is perfect for families as it is kid and adult friendly. Meet in the lobby at the NE corner of the building. We will sing hymns and visit with elderly residents. Contact:
Seattle Cancer Care Brunch Team
207 Pontius Ave N
Meet at 415 Westlake at 10 a.m. to carpool, or go directly to 207 Pontius Ave N, 2nd floor dining room
Serve food and engage in conversations with residents staying here for treatment. This is a vital ministry of presence. Contact:
Help for the Hungry
415 Westlake
Pack sack lunches for the Immanuel Community Services Hygiene Center. The ICS Hygiene Center, located in the gymnasium of Immanuel Lutheran Church, provides the opportunity for homeless men and women to wash their clothes, take a shower, and spend the morning in a warm, safe, and clean environment. The Center is open weekdays from 8:00 am to noon.
Acts of Care to End Sex-Trafficking
415 Westlake
In response to our commitment to partner with International Justice Mission’s work in the Dominican Republic to end slavery, we are providing ways to come alongside IJM and local agencies such as Seattle Against Slavery (SAS) to show our support. Join us for some hands on projects and learn more about how to get involved.