This Sunday, September 11th


Shared Faith; Shared Freedom

Whether  it is strapped by debt, boxed in by stereotypes or the slavery of human trafficking  our spirit cries out for freedom. What hope is there for freedom and what does it mean to live into that freedom for ourselves and others?  

Join us this Sunday for a time of worship with discussion in groups as we spend time learning from two men in the 1st century who were divided by economics, class and position. And, one man who could not stay silent and had to speak up on behalf of another and against injustice.  

How does Jesus change how we see one another? Where are we being invited to speak up on another's behalf?  

If you missed Brian Cress' sermon, Justice for Life, on August 7, we invite you to listen here by clicking audio above.  He speaks of the work of hope International Justice Mission is providing to free those who are entrapped in modern day slavery.  And, he encourages us to pray about how we can be people who pursue justice for life.