Union Parents: Nuggets of encouragement / February 2, 2024

This past Sunday was our Worship in Action Sunday and 415 Westlake was humming with projects, people, food, connections, and prayer.  Have you been to a Fourth Sunday before?  It's a great space to let kids belong before they believe and to find meaningful ways to contribute. Let us know if you or your kids have an idea or project we could weave into our Fourth Sunday mornings. We love new ideas!

Following Worship in Action, parent coach Kelly Hampton presented on Parenting Wins - How to Develop a Mindset that Sets You Up for Years to Come. What an encouraging time it was to learn from her wisdom.   Kelly encouraged parents to slow down (unless someone is bleeding or broken), take time to interact with kids when there is a challenge, and reflect back to them how they are feeling so you can move to a connected and calmer place. She says she tells herself this mantra every day.

And if you didn't have a chance to hear Kelly, we will have her back, so stay tuned for the next workshop details. (One parent who attended said she could listen to Kelly every month!)  Also, her power point slides can be accessed in the link above if you'd like to flip through them for more of her nuggets of encouragement. We are not alone!