There is a boy at the school where I work whom everyone calls BC. That's not his name; his name is Benjamin. But all through elementary school, he was one of two Benjamins in his class so he needed a different name to keep it simple.
Now, everyone calls him that - even he calls himself BC, which I noticed when he proudly wrote it on his name tag.
I'm sure when he was born, his parents never planned that he'd be called BC, but his name is the product of his environment. It was a shaping that happened because of the community in which he operates. Lots of kids end up with nicknames, but I was struck by how in this case, it a clear result of BC's proximity to something else: his classmates.
As parents, teachers, caregivers, and supporters of children and youth, I think this is good reminder. Our children and youth are shaped by what they are near. Simply by bringing your child on a Sunday morning or to an event or for youth group, they are in proximity of a community who desires to nurture how they are shaped. They are in the presence of Jesus' wide embrace and that will shape how they see themselves.
Our Union Kids lessons from now through Advent will emphasize that we are part of God's family, a church community, our own family, and our world. We are shaped by those who are around us. And we pray that each child will feel the love of God and others when they walk through the 415 Westlake doors.
In a few weeks, we will be hosting the second annual Gingerbread House Decorating event on December 7. One of the main reasons we do this is to provide "proximity" to Jesus. To open the doors of our church, which doesn't look like a church, to more people.
This is Jesus' wide embrace in action. And it shapes us by drawing near to His extravagant love. We are home and we all can write the name that God gives us on our name tag: Beloved.
2 Corinthians 13:14 (The Message)
"The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you."