Union Parents: Returning to Fourth Sunday / October 20, 2023

Before the pandemic, a group of folks from Union served brunch in person every Fourth Sunday.  Renee Notkin shared that the staff at Fred Hutch have once again reached out to Union expressing their desire to have us provide brunch - beginning this Sunday, October 22, with a drop-off brunch.

Since we are preparing food at our building, children and families are able to get involved.  We will be assembling brunch boxes to drop off at about 11 am.  Going forward, you may not able to commit to doing this every month on Fourth Sunday, but if you'd like to join in this Sunday, we will be assembling, writing notes of encouragement and delivering the boxes to the SLU Housing at 207 Pontius Avenue North. 

It's so good to have this brunch as part of our external focus once again and this opportunity to encourage those families who are receiving treatment at Fred Hutch.

I am sure that you are in a similar space – heavy hearted and grieve-stricken by the news from the Middle East.  Our Worship in Action on Fourth Sundays can seem like a small attempt to live into love in the face of world trauma.  But I pray that we together can continue to encourage one another to share radical love from our corner of the NW and beyond.

John 13:34 (NIV)
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."