One of our Fourth Sunday “worship in action” opportunities:
February 28 | 10 am | Zoom Link
Unpacking Privilege & Injustice through learning to tell our stories
Guided by Caroline Lu
Why stories? We all have stories. We may not think we do but our lives are made up of a series of stories. They are constantly being written and re-written so we can make sense of our lives.
Our brains are wired to respond to stories. Oxytocin, the love and empathy hormone, is released when we hear compelling stories.
Through writing and volunteering to share our stories, (only if we are comfortable), we can learn something about ourselves that maybe we didn't realize before. We can be vulnerable and compassionate. We can learn from others.
Journey with us on 4th Sundays for the next 6 months to explore our stories and their intersection with privilege. Each is a stand alone time. We'll see what we can learn from ourselves and each other.