4th Sunday / Palm Sunday 2021
There are a variety of ways to engage this Sunday. Let us know what you choose, or create your own unique 4th Sunday activity!
Family Scavenger Hunt +
Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey reveals that his opposition to darkness and brokenness is not through brute force and direct attacks but through the counter-intuitive giving of Himself on the cross and the ongoing truth, love, light, reconciliation seeking made possible by it. Take a walk and look for the following things (below) of brokenness and life to prepare and anticipate Jesus’ work on the cross.
Eco-Faith +
In the first chapters of Genesis, God lays out four key relationships—our relationship with others, God, work and the environment. We can often take the latter for granted when it needs attention like all the others. Here’s a couple of relationship strengthening ideas for today. One, visit Eco-Faith page and check out one of the articles that grabs your attention. Two, from the comfort of your home be a part of a community garden that helps fight food insecurity. Here’s a link to the first step.
Letter to Lawmakers +
Lend your voice and name to a cause that you believe will help our country be more aligned with the work of wholeness and reconciliation that the Holy Spirit is doing. What is an issue before the city, state or country that is on your heart? Write an email or letter and send it off.
Pray the News +
Log onto the news or grab a newspaper (and maybe include news feeds you may not usually look at) and then take theologian Karl Barth’s counsel, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” Pray through the different news stories for the people involved, for the outcomes, for healing—for qualities of God’s reign to be manifested. Or, as an alternative, take to heart another Barth quote,
“I always pray for the sick, the poor, journalists, authorities of the state and church—in that order. Journalists form public opinion. They hold terribly important positions.”
Journal +
Palm Sunday is a declaration that Jesus, not Caesar, is the one who is Lord, the One to trust and follow. Think about choices you have made to trust Jesus instead of what the dominant culture said. What has been the result ?
Scavenger Hunt List +
Find three things that are broken.
Spot three dead items.
What is a sign of unfairness that you can see?
Find a pile of garbage.
Find five broken items.
Find seven crosses (telephone pole counts as only one).
Find twelve signs of new life.
Find three signs of life in a difficult place to live (e.g. grass coming through asphalt).
Find seven things that reflect light well (windows and car mirrors can only be counted once).
Find four things that communicate welcome.
Find one or two signs of peace.
You can print out the bingo card here if you want.
Bingo Reflection +
- How do you feel when you see that which is broken and not right with creation? How do you experience that which reflects new life and hope? Spend time talking about …
- Take photos of what you see. Send your photos to Adrienne, or tag #4thsundaybingo on social media.
- IF you like to draw or write – share your experience creatively.
- Invite Jesus into what you’ve experienced. How do you think Jesus feels about you and the world you live in?